Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I've been struggling for a while with this blog.  Sigh!  I've been inundated with tons of spam comments and the only solution I have been able to find is to set it up where no anonymous comments are allowed.  With that said, I'm hoping all is fixed, and I will be able to get back to actually sharing on here.  If that doesn't work, my next step is to set up a private -- by subscription and invite only -- but I really don't want to have to do that.

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Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDY94ekqubPTj...