Monday, February 19, 2018

Frugal Spring Floral on a Budget -- DIY

I participated in a floral DIY challenge.
This was super easy to make and all the supplies except for my pliers came from Dollar Tree.
I try to show how I made this in simple steps.
I'm really thinking I may make a second one or something similar for a Mother's Day present this year.
I bought some floral wire but ended up not using it. 
I'd love it if you guys would check it out and let me know what you think.


  1. I love it.Bummed I didn’t get mine finished. Planning on working on it this coming weekend

    1. Thanks! You’ll get yours finished! Flu kind of drains a person.


Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.