Monday, May 14, 2018

Week Planned Out and a High Minded Cat

My daughter gave me a few planner related items for my Mother's Day gift.  I'm loving them.  I'm being extra careful to keep lists of things just in case something slips my mind.  I'm blaming it on medication for now....LOL  It's not horrible, but a list is nice to have around.  Plus we have planned out weeks in advance right many appointments for medical things and having everything written down in one spot really helps me make sure I don't overlap appointments.

I've included some bonus footage of one of our crazy cats.  Ironically my cats that live with me full time never get on my counter or my cabinets.  They occasionally get on the island and as a result I always clean it thoroughly before I use it for cooking.  This cat, who normally stays with my husband, honors no boundaries.

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Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.