Thursday, July 20, 2017

Looking a Season Ahead

Life is a weird mix.  I try to live in the present, but always keep the upcoming seasons in mind.  

Sometimes it is literal seasons.

Today I was up well before the sun and I canned 7 quarts of dark red kidney beans in anticipation of big pots of chili this fall.

(I was cooking chili anyway for a family get togethr and decided I may as well soak enough beans to do a canner full.)

We're also looking ahead to other seasons of life.
Our daugther starts classes at the university this fall.
Because she won't be able to run home during the day, we are planning meals and tweaking the budget to give her maximum fleixibility.
As we get another year closer to retirement, we are looking ahead to that season of life, too.
We're trying to decide if we will stay in this area or move closer to my son's family.
We're not worried about any concrete plans until we see my daughter through her master's degree so we have time.
However, I have begun to price real estate in a couple of areas we are considering.
We're researching tax rates, proximities to medical care, and a host of other things.
It may be summer now, but this morning in my head I am seasons away.


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Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.