Monday, September 25, 2017

Last Week's Frugalities

We were traveling last week, but we allow for that in a separate budget from our household stuff.

 In no particular order:

 1.  I did pack snacks, some food items, etc. to take on our trip.  Mostly due to my food restrictions and never knowing what I can find.  We took advantage of free coffee at the hotel and my husband ate the continental breakfast.  Due to allergy concerns I ate items I brought with me.  We attended a free dinner.  (We also had an opportunity to go out a couple of times and found a few places that did not serve seafood so that was nice.)

 2.  We attended a free concert featuring a local band.

 3.  I found a department store sale during our travels and bought a nice dress.  It was originally $120 and I was able through sales and discounts to buy it for $26.  It is one I can dress up or dress down depending on accessories/jackets/wraps/ I was quite pleased with that.

 4.  My electric bill dropped a tiny bit.  $206...which isn't bad for August/September in the South.  Not below my $200 target, but near enough I consider it a win.  (Especially because I have had several times where I have had to use the dryer because of time constraints.)

 5.  We took advantage of our library for some new reads.

 6.  We used our military IDs to help discount the cost of tickets to Biltmore.    

 In an effort to keep this totally honest -- Now for the not as frugal:

 1.  We went to the theater to see a movie.  This was part of my anniversary present to my husband.  Totally worth it, but totally not an inexpensive thing to do.

 2.  We went out for dinner and drinks for our anniversary.  Again totally worth it.

 3.  We were exhausted on the ride home and picked up sodas/snacks at a convenience store.  Felt more like a necessity than a splurge.  LOL

 4.  I purchased some research books.

 5.  We did not make it home to do laundry until late Sunday afternoon, so once again I found myself running the dryer.  

 All in all, I am pleased with how the week went.  We  had been planning our trip for some time and actually spent less than we had set aside.  We had a wonderful time, but I must admit I'm glad to be home now to rest.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It was and the weather was perfect for it.

  2. Happy Anniversary (belatedly)
    If you had a trip where you spent less than anticipated, I would call that a stunning success!

    1. Thanks! (I hadn't thought of it that way, but since the opposite is usually

  3. I'm so glad you had a nice time. :) Our electric bills are almost the same this month. I'm looking forward to next month when I know it will be lower.

    1. Thanks. Me, too, on the electric bill. I actually had one or two days where I could open up the house, but that was it.

  4. I think a vacation should be just that--a vacation! I'm glad you were able to take a little extra money and enjoy yourself since you went:)

    1. Thanks. I agree. Years ago we did some vacations that turned into so much work for me that I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation.


Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.