Sunday, March 25, 2018

Planning This Week

We have a relatively full week coming up.  Nothing too hard or difficult, just busy.  Probably like everyone else, we are also planning for next weekend's meal.  I want to have all my "stuff" done so I can spend Friday and Sunday with my family.  (We do have to work on Saturday.)


  1. Those planners are very cute. I have a much more basic one sans cute stuff and stickers, but I am pretty basic.

    1. I think basic works just fine. I still keep a “to do” list in a composition book or on scrap paper. Something I can scribble in.


Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.