Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Stock Up for the Week

Such a big stock up for the week; huh?

This was all we needed.  
Well actually that isn’t quite the truth of the matter.
I needed the cheese, the eggs, the onion powder, and the milk.
The hot dogs we bought for lunches for this week.
I know they aren’t great for us, but sometimes I crave one.
The gum is because we were out....daughter keeps one package in her backpack for school and I keep one in my purse.
The chocolate chips were almost an impulse item, but not quite.
I’ve actually used up most of mine, and since Lidl’s don’t have nut issues I decided to go ahead and pick up some more.

2 cartons of lactose free milk
1 package of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 bottle of onion powder
2 packages of gum
1 package of beef hot dogs
4 bags of chocolate chips for baking

Not a bad total for the week.

Although I feel as if I should confess and say we have already deviated from the menu.
Daughter wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want bean soup.
No worries though because we just ate other things we had on hand.



  1. That is a good, low total for the week. I was watching Amanda from the Fundamental Home's Youtube videos. She only spends $100 per month on groceries. She spends $50 every two weeks and has a family of 5. I think it's great to be able to get what you need for such a low amount. Good job. :)

    1. I really enjoy her shopping videos. I’m amazed at how she manages to keep her costs so low.

  2. Good job on the shopping. My crew is eating me out of house and home lately--there are times when they don't eat much at all but this is not one of them:) So, I've spent a little more this month than I thought I would, but it's still manageable. Next month, I'm going to have to be more strict, though. I've already been laying my plans for that.

    1. I remember those days! My son would be sitting at the table eating and asking me what was for the next meal. It’s been harder on me adjusting to buying and cooking less than it was to adjust to buying and cooking more. I learned to cook for 6 people (plus any extras) and 4 of those were growing children. LOL


Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.