Thursday, October 13, 2016

In My Kitchen Today

This coffee was a splurge for the month and when it is gone it is gone.  So far no one has wanted any but me so it may last me a while.

Pumpkin Bagel with vegan cream cheese and what will be the last of the fresh strawberries for this year.  Sigh.

Cinnamon rolls from the can -- my daughter didn't eat these while we were gone so I made them for her today.

I tried my hand at making vegan corn dogs.  They aren't bad, but I had just as soon have mine separate.

I ate some for lunch with my leftover pumpkin chili, which in typical fashion was even better the second day.

Then for supper I tried my hand at frying tofu.  I used seasoned whole wheat flour and cornstarch with smoked paprika and poultry seasoning.  This made a delicious sandwich.

My daughter didn't want to touch the tofu so we made her some quick pizza bread.  We both used the rolls I picked up from Aldi.

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Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.