This camouflage sweater is for my grandson. The simple shape is great for layering over little boy clothes. The yarn is machine wash and dry. I also added a little extra length to the body and the cuffs so that perhaps he can get two seasons of wear from it.
This is the ultimate "hoarders" project. I found this yarn in my stash -- leftover from the last camouflage sweater I knit for my son, when he was a pre teen. Yes -- I used the leftovers from years ago to make his son a sweater. Kind of made me nostalgic thinking back to all those years.
I actually have enough left that in a year or two I should be able to knit him a vest as well -- if I do not find another project before then. (Especially since my nephew is hinting that he really likes camouflage, too.)
This is beautiful, Shara!!