Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 — Everything Old is New Again

2018 has new changes coming that are repeats of old changes.  I guess we can chalk it up to life cycles or just assume my life seems to have reoccuring themes.  Does anyone else notice that about your life? I’ve been accepted to a local university and will be continuing my studies.  I’m both excited and nervous.  My daughter is also in school full time.  Of course, I have our seasonal work for January through April.  Needless to say the year is starting out with a full plate.  Knowing this, I’ve decided to keep my goals simple and focus on key words for 2018:

With these in mind my goals are:
1.  I’ve purchased a planner and want to use it to its fullest.  So my first goal is to simply take a little time each week to look over the next week.
2.  Menu planning — I probably won’t plan more than a week or two at a time, but I want to be more diligent about menu planning.  On that same line of thought, I need to do a better job of keeping my inventory records up to date.  
3.  Cooking — I’d like to learn to use my pressure cooker more.  With us all being scattered and busy, I think ease of cooking will be the key to making sure we eat healthier foods.
4.  Continue with my cleaning routines.  In 2017, I cemented new cleaning routines to match only having a few people in the house.  I want to continue to honor those in 2018 to help make my life easier.

Family Goals:
1.  We are planning a cross country trip to visit relatives.
2.  Continue with our budget.
3.  Look into a new car (or a new to us car) for my husband.  We know the time is coming.

I know it doesn’t sound like a lot.  However, I will be taking 15 credit hours, working, and running the household for the first 4 months.  I’ve already registered for classes for the first summer session as well.  I’m actually planning on fall semester being my heavy semester.  I know my time and energy will be limited.  If I can handle these tasks, school work, and enjoy my family then I will look back on 2018 as being a good year, too.


  1. Congratulations on your acceptance to university! I have also noticed that I'm often adapting to changes that I've experienced before -- as you said, life cycles and I also think that even though the changes are familiar, we ourselves are different and that I think is what makes everything seem new as well.

    I have decided that aiming for direct and to the point goals is the way to go. I wish you the best in 2018!

    1. Thank you.

      I love that — “we ourselves are different” — how very true! The best to you, too!

  2. Life cycles and some times are more interesting and more frantic than others. I have been walking through fire lately and am glad for the next month to be a little easier and more reflective.
    I think the most important thing to remember is that change is not bad, it's just change and I don't have to do or have everything the same all the time.

    1. Sage advice! When I get stressed I tend to crave routine because it calms me. I’ve been working on telling myself “just flow with it”....maybe 2018 will be the year I get it down pat.


Due to a large volume of spamming I’ve had to undo the “anyone” can comment feature. Hoping this lets all of us not have to wade through the hoopla.

Winnie the Pooh Crochet Along Playlist

 Just popping this on here really quick for those that contacted me and asked for help.